The Power of Positivity, by Trene Plowman

I’ve been thinking a lot about the following topic…

so I’m going to dive in!

Just STOP 

Just stop focusing on the things you don’t like, don’t want, the things that aren’t serving you.  You are giving them POWER. 

Use YOUR unimaginable power to manifest the life you desire and deserve!  Focus on all the good, on the things you will add to your life, all the things that make you joyful.  Then…more of THAT will show up!!!

Live with an abundant mindset…and abundance becomes your truth.  An abundance of love, of hope, of joy. You create what it is you desire.  

Look, bad stuff is going to happen to us.  Things aren’t always easy. But it doesn’t mean life is ONLY bad, or that life is JUST hard.  Life is an ebb and flow…and once you are in the flow…in your kriya, the synchronicities appear!

I believe there is no light without shadow, but I also believe in the constant presence of light and hope.  I know it is dark at night…but there are glimmers of light from the stars…and the sun is shining brilliantly just around the corner, and that light is headed our way!! 

When they told me I had breast cancer; my three year old boy playing cars on the floor at my feet…as I slid to the floor using the wall as support for my legs that had gone completely weak at the knees, phone still to my ear, listening to Dr. Shelton tell me they wanted to schedule more tests and surgery…I knew I was going to be ok.  I had to be. I mean…just looking at his sweet blonde head and blue eyes told me I had to survive whatever was to come! He needed me, and I had promised him I would always be there. So, I made up my mind I would be just fine, whatever was headed my way. I stood back up, and prepared to live.

I knew that the love inside me, the strength I had, my son and the family I have, and the light I was…would be the magic to carry me through.

My son is now 22, and I am cancer free.  I had another cancer (thyroid) a year and a half after the breast cancer…and yes… I am blessed and oh-so-grateful to have survived that and be free and clear of that now too!!

I didn’t just imagine myself well (although I did that too), I didn’t just believe I would get better (although I did that too), and I didn’t just believe in my power as a healer (although I did that too).  I went to the doctors, I did my research, I listened to their wisdom, and I accepted and worked with the surgeries, radiation, chemo pills, and everything else they told me I needed.

I also meditated, learned about medicinal foods and plants, had massages, and accepted prayers. I believed in my light, AND I believed in theirs.

Do you have a big, bold, audacious dream?  Do you want something that everyone has told you is out of reach?  Do you have a challenge you are working through?


Believe in your light.  Believe in your gifts. Believe in your power to manifest the life you are dreaming of.  Believe in yourself.

You may not even be aware of the precious treasures hiding inside of you.

What are your thoughts?  How does this make you feel?  Please share with us here if you feel called to do so.  

Sending you love,

Trene Plowman

@earthmamaspirit (instagram)


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